Which Tire is Right for You?

With so many different types of tires to choose from, finding the right tire to meet your needs can be overwhelming. The choice ultimately comes down to the type of vehicle you drive and what you’ll be doing after you get that new set of tires. You want to pick a reliable tire which meets… Read more »

Summer Road Trip Tips

The days are getting longer, school is out, and summer is almost here! The rising temperatures have a lot of people itching to hop into their car and head to a body of water or hiking trail. Summer vacations are a time to unplug, relax and have fun with your family and friends. They do,… Read more »

Maximizing Your Tire Life

If you’re like most people, the thought of opening your wallet to shell out money for tires isn’t at the top of your “things to get excited about” list. Unfortunately, this is a necessary part of owning a vehicle. How often you must replace your tires depends on your driving habits, how well you maintain… Read more »

How Do My Brakes Work?

It’s a sunny day and you’re driving down the road with your windows down and music turned up. All of a sudden, the car in front of you stops abruptly, causing you to slam on your brakes. Thank goodness your brakes worked perfectly, and you avoided a collision. Until this incident occurred you probably haven’t… Read more »

What’s Inside Your Tires?

The construction of the modern tire is a testament to how far engineering and technology have come over the centuries. No more are the days of an air-filled donut comprised of rubber. Years of research by the world’s top tire companies have resulted in the tires we have today, which are full of state-of-the-art materials… Read more »

How Potholes Can Damage Your Car

Most of us have been taught to avoid potholes while driving. It was probably one of the very first things we learned behind the wheel! Although most us know driving over potholes is bad for our vehicles, very few know exactly why that is. These are the parts of your vehicle you should be worried… Read more »

Auto Repair Jargon You Should Know

Unless you consider yourself a car enthusiast, you may find yourself feeling a bit lost when having conversations with your mechanic. At times, it can feel like you are speaking to someone using a different language with words like “grease monkey,” “kickdown,” and “oversquare” whizzing past your head like dodgeballs. Hopefully, this list of common… Read more »

How to Buy New Tires

If you’ve never done it before, purchasing tires can be a frustrating and intimidating task. How do you know what brand is best? How do you get the best price? We will discuss these questions and more in this blog post. Read Reviews It’s impossible to know how tires will perform after a few thousand… Read more »